Thursday, December 31, 2009

Rabbit Suprise

Rabbit surprise

Just before the end of the year, artist Paul Combrink really came up with a surprise look at 28 December 2009  22.213  

Paul had access to other rabbits and surprised me with a rabbit showing up at a very unexpected place.Thanks Paul! Love it and I hope and look forward to a wonderful 2010 rabbit year and lots of rabbit surprises!


Sunday, December 13, 2009

A rabbit silence (in loving memory)

A rabbit silence (in loving memory)

My dad

Jan Marinus van Dommelen

 23 April 1916 – 8 December 2009

Although the opening of the art on the move/rabbit road movie in The Hague was a big success. And there are a lot activities coming up in 2010. Some meetings and rabbit exchanges didn’t happen because my father was seriously ill for a while. Last week in the age of 93 he died in his sleep at home.

It was a very special time. So I share one of the rabbits I made for my dad .The text is in Dutch but it is John 15 verse 12 from my wedding bible as it is given from generation to generation.

At the end of the month I will continue the rabbit project.

Right now I’ am printing a skate artwork with the help of people and children who work in my atlier and my own children. The work can be seen in Delft at the Beestenmarkt and will be up for sale for charity at the 4th of January in Delft.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A red carpet for the rabbits and a lot of people!



Here the first photo’s from the rabbit presentation in the gallery HKK Denneweg 64 The Hague. (The rabbit presentation and 2 rabbits you can pick up to join the project are there till 28  December 2009).

The opening yesterday was great! A lot of new invitations and surprising activities for the rabbits coming up!




Monday, November 2, 2009

Speeding up the rabbit production

Speeding up the rabbit production and a new photo from students Lune and Michèle .

This week I can announce the first presentation of the project! I can use the showcase from the gallery Haagse Kunst Kring in The Hague the Netherlands for a first impression of the project and also some of the original art works.

Who happens to be in the Netherlands at the 21 of November between 16.00 and 17.00 at the gallery from the Haagse Kunst Kring Denneweg 64 The Hague we open the presentation. And will inform you about the project with some warm carrot soup.

At the gallery are 2 take away rabbits available till the 28th of December.You are very welcome to take one out for a day, so you can and join the project.

If you are fast I will put your photos, in the showcase from the gallery as long as there is room. And of course also on my blog or, inform people were we can see them if you want to show them on your own blog or other places.

In The gallery in The Hague are photos from Henk Kuipers (Delft Netherlands), Hope Davis (New York USA),Merryn Kritzinger (Montreal Canada), Lune Kuipers and Michèle van Vliet second year’s students at the Willem de Kooning academy in Rotterdam Netherlands. And some of my pictures and original rabbits.

A new photo came in this week from Lune (studies lifestyle and design) and, Michèle (photography). More about them on:      and

The people who join me in the showcase are the very first people who participated together with friends, colleagues and family. Some people like Lune and Henk Kuipers are my family.

Merryn, Hope and the people in their pictures I met for the first time this summer at the artist in residence program in Delft and they were the very first to respond to the idea. It is a great experience so far and I am happy we are able to inform more and more people.

In November Margo Bruininkx starts a chain reaction in Hengelo (the Netherlands). The 28th of November I give her the rabbit.

But………………..and that is why I’ am speeding up my rabbit production this week. The next step in the process is , 5 new rabbits and try to start rabbit chain reactions on each continent.

Europe and North America already have a rabbit for a chain reaction so I’ am looking for people in Asia, Oceania/Australia, South America, Africa and………………Antarctica. I forgot that was the 7th continent. Wauw, Antarctica doesn’t sound easy to reach but you never know. 

To keep the expenses for sending the rabbits around low, I will make a list on the blog every now and then of places were I have connections traveling too so we can exchange the rabbit.  


Friday, October 2, 2009

The first rabbit on tour

The first rabbit on tour,


The first rabbit photos from the very first chain reaction try are a fact.

Merryn Kritzinger took a rabbit to Canada Montreal and asked her sister

to carry it.

As you can imagine I was over the moon to see my rabbit having a good time in Montreal.


Do you want to know more about this rabbit thing? Scroll down to the very first blog.

Or ask me to send an information letter about this project.


3 and 4 October my atelier at Oosteinde 149 Delft Netherlands is open for visitors from 12.00 till 18.00. In the front window there will be a permanent exhibition of incoming pictures and information.



Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sea Rabbit

Sea Rabbit

Photographer Iris Rethy sent me a wonderful email after I informed her about my project.

She had put a list together with activities she could do with the rabbit. And asked kindly what the rabbit would prefer. Cycle, or watch a movie, or swim. Well swim of course!

I had no clue if I could protect the artwork enough, but the idea was great.

On a wonderful day in August we drove to the sea.We both had expected the beach to be filled with people. But when I parked the car it started to rain. Not very hard and it was also still warm. But we could see lots of people pack and go home.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dancing Rabbits

Dancing rabbits

It was a lovely Sunday morning in July 2009 in the Poptahof Delft. When I had my first rabbits out on the open air.

Unfortunate the wind was blowing a little loud through Henning’s Goetzkes wonderful music. So the video sound is a little imperfect. I hope we will find a way to fix it, cause it was great.

Canadian dancers Jasmine Ellis and Merryn Krizinger performed 4 times with the bunnies.

It was a pity that a young boy was stopped by his older brother when he wanted to run into the scene.

Not visible are dance photographer Hope Davis from New York and theater manger Henk Kuipers from Delft Netherlands they took pictures. 

The wonderful music is from Henning Goetzke from Germany 

You can see their pictures on 

 www. and

music Henning Goetzke

Merryn Kritzinger has a blog

sorry I tryed to make the links , but it didn't work so cut and paste


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Rabbits telling stories/ the originals

rabbits telling stories

The original art-work

In 2004 I started the artwork Rabbits telling stories. A silkscreen concept about my memories and family history printed on rabbit forms.

Pictures and copies of all kind of things form the base of the silkscreen prints. 

After rabbits on the wall, I created some portable works. I mean art on the wall is nice but I like to play with my art and see what happens .......................

More about my work

Saturday, September 19, 2009

art on the move /rabbit road movie

art on the move/ rabbit road movie
This project started quite a while ago.
Being an artist who also studied dramatic arts my search to create my own art-forms is my passion. 
With this project I started to research new ways to present and promote my works of art. Create an opportunity to collect a lot of personal experiences, views, photo and film material from different people on my work. And share the photo /film material, stories and experiences of people involved on different platforms.
I have chosen my rabbits work (rabbits telling stories), cause it is such a personal work based on my memories and family history, but also very visual. 
 I created some portable rabbits and asked people to carry them around.
the start
The whole process started to roll when I worked in Flatland, a project in Delft June/July 2009.There I met Canadian dancers Jasmine Ellis and Merryn Kritzinger.
They loved the concept and came up with the idea to make a dance performance with the rabbits.
Together we picked the prints from my screens and created 2 danceable rabbits. This performance was filmed and photographed by different people.
More people signed up or came with ideas to take the rabbit with them. And now the ball is rolling.
Chain reaction
A person hands over the rabbit to another person and so on. See if it is possible to start an Internet chain reaction project around the rabbits were people could share their photos and video’s of the artwork.
People interested can contact me to participate.
In the meantime the first pictures from the first chain that started in Montreal Canada are a fact.
This whole film en photo process will take place from the 5th of July 2009 till the end of summer 2010.
In the meanwhile we will develop ways to share this rabbit tour and experiment with as much people as possible.
This is the begin.
There is much more photo and film material, and a lot more to tell about the project.
This is just the start.