Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hadrian’s wall

On the way back to the Netherlands our last hike on Hadrian’s wall.

Saw some cute rabbits at the gas station.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


A Dutch post this time. It is the invitation for the open day in my atelier in Delft 7 October from 10 till 10. The presentation is called blueprint.

At the end of the month we will have an English online magazine about the presentation and I will post it of course.

The video shows my work ( 2 teapots with fish) at the housingfair in Amsterdam last week.


De term blauwdruk is in de loop van de tijd ook de term geworden, waarmee een nog niet uitgevoerd ontwerp van iets wordt aangeduid.

Blauwdruk betekent in figuurlijke zin plan van uitvoering.

Op 7 oktober is mijn atelier geopend voor bezoekers en ben je van harte welkom om eens rond te kijken tijdens de presentatie BLAUWDRUK.

Mijn atelier ontwikkelt concepten op diverse gebieden.

Zoals borduren in de openbare ruimte, de vilt concepten Stilte en over de kudde, sieraden van cement, en de grafische concepten en prints van art on the move, bluebirds en blueprints en de decor serie.

Daarnaast organiseer ik in het atelier workshops op maat voor kleine groepen tot 10 personen. Of voor grotere groepen op locatie.

Zo is er komend najaar een schilder concert met muzikant Jaap Mulder van Di Gojim.

Hier in Delft vooral bekent als straat muzikant, die prachtig klarinet speelt.

En een combinatie workshop rond het werk van Frida Kalho waarbij een dagworkshop schilderen wordt gecombineerd met een theater voorstelling in Maassluis van Helmert Woudenberg.

Laat je inspireren door de concepten en ideeën die het atelier ontwikkeld.

Sommige concepten werden al deels gepresenteerd, zo werd het borduren van een brug 3e bij een ontwerp wedstrijd van de gemeente Delft.

En stonden de theepotten uit de installatie Dutch Breakfast vorige week in het huis van Ariadne at Home op de woonbeurs in Amsterdam.

Mijn atelier aan het Oosteinde 149 is te bezoeken op donderdag 7 oktober van 10 tot 10 uur.

Wie geen tijd vrij kan maken. Vanaf eind oktober is via mijn blog een online Blueprint magazine te bekijken, over de open dag en de concepten

Vriendelijke groeten,
Liset van Dommelen Ateliervandommelen
Oosteinde 149 2611 VC Delft

Saturday, September 11, 2010


After the last walk the clouds and rain were present all the time.

This was the only morning we were not so happy with the weather conditions and our wet tent, shoes, socks, trousers etc.

But when we arrived at the ferry to Skye, the sun started to shine, they sold nice warm cappuccino, we could wait in lane six cause we didn’t make any reservations. They told us to say a prayer and it worked. There was room for our car; the sun was out, beautiful clouds, dolphins swimming along the ferry. By the time we arrived at the campground everything was dry.

Friday, September 3, 2010

A secret trail

Here is an other part of the West Highland way.

It is hard work walking here along the shore of Log Lomond.

On the way back we found this meters and meters of thin white thread on the trail.

It was not there on the way up. And it ended some were in the bushes?


Monday, August 30, 2010

Golden rabbit

Yesterday Ionica Smeets recieved a golden rabbit for her contribution to my project .With the video “why my friends have more friends” she attracted more then 1000 viewers from her network for my art on the move concept.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

West Highland Way

We stayed on and walked up and down the trail a little.

First day the goal was having tea at the tearoom at the station in Crianlarich. (24 km) It was raining just a little, but it was not cold. On the way back it was dry.

I think it is no problem to walk up and down cause the clouds change the landscape every minute.

more info

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Notes and signs

After the no rabbit sign a lot of other information appeared.

I didn’t photograph them all but here is a small collection.

I have seen warning signs for red squirrels, otters,and older people crossing the road.

We also know now that we are not allowed to take of our walking boots or socks in the pub. Or clean gaiters in the washing room.

Friday, August 6, 2010

From Rotterdam to Hull

On my way to Scotland.

First with P&O ferries from Rotterdam to Hull.

When we arrived in Hull, I see England is not really a rabbit country.

NO RABBITS and lots of other animals allowed.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Besides pictures the rabbits are bringing in so much more. Drawings, a placemat from Georgia. I also had the luck Iris took home a wonderful recipe from Georgian pesto. It is my favorite pesto these days.

Jan who was also in Georgia sent me this very beautiful but also funny video from singer Hamlet Goniashvili. We still don’t know if the rabbit was a symbol for something in the song.

Japan is still interesting to me. The rabbit in Japan disappeared but I found this very funny cooking video. And I love the bunny shaped apple.

Since last week postcards from the project are favorite by tourists passing my studio. I’ am very curious what they do with the cards they pick up.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


In Stockholm we rented a small apartment in Sodermalm. We really liked the place a lot.  The company who rents Roberts place is


We were invited to have a look at the work from Hiroko Shitate in gallery 173  Svartmangatan 25. Beautiful knitting work hanging in the air.

I also love the work of Tomas Saraceno in Bonniers Konsthall. He made up for a day being at the wrong place at the wrong moment.

First we wanted to see “Fotografiska “the photo museum. Too bad but our guide didn’t mention they are building the museum and it is not yet finished. From there next try, the well-known Kulturhuset. That place was filled inside and outside with hundreds of people having an audition for Idols. It started to rain. But we had a great time.